A soul is given free will to exercise it’s option of staying close to God during each life time This divine intervention helps to keep the script short and crisp. When the soul has experienced all the human dimensions and realized its own True Nature, the last chapter of Life Note Book is completed and the Life Note Book is finished. Life is in existence not in this body alone. When we die the components of this body mingle with the five tattvas and the soul is released. It is a minuscule part of the eternal form of God. Every embodied being takes birth due to the sum total of their karmic balance of previous births. It enters into the world at birth assuming a body and takes along with it the samskaras when the body dies. These samskaras are carried as the wind carries the fragrance of flowers from place to place during various births. This Atman is our Shining Self and is Eternal. It is said that while attending to the ordained duties/functions that involved in our life, every human being ought to strive to escape from re-births, that is, to attain Liberation. The path of Liberation, say, BrahmaJnana or Self-Realization is as hard as to tread on edge of a razor. For attaining Liberation, Brahma-Jnana or Self-Realization, the human has to surrender five things, namely, (1) Five pranas (Vital forces), (2) Five Senses (five of action and five of perception), (3) Mind, (4) Intellect and (5) Ego. Characteristics for attaining Liberation, say, Brahma-Jnana or Self-Realization, (1) One should have intense desire to get free from Bondage and works earnestly and resolutely to that end and does care for any other thing is eligible for Spiritual life. (2) Virakti or a feeling of disgust with the happenings of this world and the next in order to have right to enter into Spiritual realm. (3) Our senses have been created with a tendency to move outward and so, human beings generally always looks out-side and not in-side. As such, in order to achieve Self-Realization and Immortal life, the human beings must turn the gaze inwards and look to inner-self (introversion). (4) One must turn away from wickedness and keeps the mind at rest in order to gain Self-Realization. (This cannot be achieved even by means of accruing knowledge). (5)The human being must lead a life of Truth, Penance&Insight and celibacy to gain God-Realization. (6) The human being must prefer the Good to the Pleasant to go towards achieving Liberation, Self-Realization. (7) The body is the Chariot, the Self is its Master, Intellect is Charioteer and the Mind is the Reins. The human being must have understanding keeping the mind restrained and controlling the senses like the good horse of a charioteer reaches that place, that is, the State of Self-Realization, (8) The human being has to discharge satisfactorily and disinterestedly the duties in the life for purification of Mind in order to attain Viveka (discrimination between the Unreal and Real) and Vairagya (non-attachment to the Unreal) crop up and lead on to Self-realization. (b) Egoism must be dropped, avarice got rid off and mind be made desire less (Pure) in order to attain Self-realization. (c) Leave off the delusion that the body is ours and attachment to body to reach the goal of Self-realization, and most importantly, (9) Necessity of Sad-Guru. Since the knowledge of the self is so subtle and mystic, the human being has to take the help of a Teacher (Sad-Guru)